Nature's Sprout

It’s Highly Essential to Retain the Essence – Tadoba National Park

Tadoba Jungle Safari

One simply can’t ignore Tadoba Andhari National Park when looking to visit the best national parks in Maharashtra, as it is the largest national park in the state.

The people of Tadoba and the Andhari region worship a tribal God, named ‘Tadoba’ or ‘Taru’, and the Andhari river flows through the forest, hence the national park is named Tadoba Andhari National Park.The national park encompasses of protected forest, thus maintaining a proper balance between adventure seekers and wildlife. The Tadoba online safari booking and the Tadoba jungle safari booking will help you to experience these adventures to the fullest.

There are 3 forest regions as in Tadoba North Range, Kolsa South Range, and Moharli Range. The Tadoba gate safarimoharli gate safariNavegaon Gate SafariKolara Gate SafariKhutwanda Gate Safari are the ones that are – Must experience Tadoba safari. The Tadoba national park comprises 2 lakes and 1 river, Tadoba Lake, Kolsa Lake, and Tadoba River. These lakes and rivers help to sustain the national park and see them closely using the online Tadoba safari booking. The national park comprises approximately 88 tigers, along with a wide variety of flora and fauna, including Indian Leopards, Sloth Bears, Honey Badger, and the endangered Indian Python.

Tadoba National Park offers 2 types of Safaris–

  1. Tadoba Jeep Safari –
    Recommended for Wildlife photographers and families.
    It can accommodate up to 6 people at a time, including a driver and a guide.
  2. Canter Safari –
    It is an economical and common type of Tadoba safari, which can accommodate up to 22 people at a time, including 2 guides and a driver, in a canter, which is like an open big sized jeep.

In the monsoon season, the core zones remain closed.The most appropriate time to sight animals is in the summer when the animals venture around water bodies, but it is also the most discomforting time, as the temperature is usually soaring high around that time. The bookings are easier to make using the Tadoba Gate Safari BookingMoharli Gate Safari BookingKolara Gate Safari Booking and the Tadoba safari booking charges are also affordable.

But, owing to the lush greenery around, October till February is the best time to visit Tadoba safari.

Below are the major entry gates of the national park:

  • Moharli Zone –
  • Since it comprises one of the biggest water bodies of the park, around which many animals can be found, hence it is the most renowned zone and book using the Moharli Gate Safari Booking.
  • Khutvanda Zone –
  • The Khutwanda Gate Safari Booking comes under the core zone of the reserve and has good animal sightings.
  • Kolara Zone –
  • Jamni village is a very famous point, and it comes under the core zone and just watch them using the Kolara Gate Safari Booking.

Forest officials manage the Tadoba safari booking procedures as per Maharashtra’s Forest Department rules and regulations. Depending on the usual movement of animals, wildlife, and the ongoing season, the safari timings, for the Tadoba jungle safari in the national park, can change. The Tadoba safari bookings for jungle safari in the national park can be done online and offline.

If one is planning a pleasant getaway amidst nature, then Tadoba Andhari National Park is one of the best options.

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Megha Kalra

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